6 Ways to Make Walking Your Dog More Fun

Although most dogs enjoy a good walk and exploring the neighborhood or other local terrain, it is fun to make the occasion extra special for your dog and yourself once in a while. For the more timid or hesitant dogs, the extra encouragement may be just the motivation they need.

Bring Along a Throw Toy

Dogs learn to associate things with particular activities. They will soon understand that bringing a leash out and attaching it to their collar or harness means it’s time to go somewhere. The presence of a favorite chase and fetch toy is a sure sign that playtime is about to begin. When you take your dog out for a walk, bring along a throw toy such as a ball or Frisbee to use for added exercise and training. You can practice commands such as “Fetch” or “Release” while you are walking and playing.

Change the Routine

People get bored with the same routine, and your dog might enjoy some variation as well. You may have a favorite route you take when you go walking with your dog, but vary it once in a while. Pick a park or an alternate neighborhood, go walking at the beach or even on a hiking trail for a nice change of pace for both of you. Your dog will enjoy all the interesting new smells in the different areas.

Bring Treats

Who doesn’t enjoy the addition of a tasty treat while on a pleasant outing? Bring along a handful of your dog’s favorite CANIDAE treats to use as a reward to reinforce commands or newly learned behaviors such as “Come,” “Walk” or “Heel.”

Stop and Visit

If you are walking around your neighborhood, don’t just rush by the neighbors out in their yards. Stop for a quick chat with them and let your dog visit as well. Dogs are social creatures and enjoy company. As they begin to realize who lives where, they will look forward to future visits with your friends and neighbors.

Rev it Up

When you are health focused and in good condition, or are trying to challenge yourself and your dog to get more fit, rev up the walks. Alternate your pace from slow to quick and if you can, add a little jogging to the mix. The quicker pace will allow your dog to stretch their muscles, increase their heart beat, and help burn excess energy.

Practice Obedience

There are challenges to obedience when you are out walking with your dog. With so many things to catch their interest and distractions from the course, a walk is a great time to fine tune some of the skills an obedient and well-mannered dog needs. Practice and repetition help your dog learn. If it’s part of a fun excursion, it is even better for motivation.

A walk with your dog does not have to be the same boring routine every single time. Making changes to what you do on a walk with your dog helps to keep them mentally and physically stimulated. Going for a walk with your dog can be full of surprises and fun activities along the way, and help to keep you both healthy.

Read more articles by Laurie Darroch

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